Quite frankly I can admit to you I was an 'ask'hole for so long. Always quick to ask people to help critique one idea or the other or ask for guidance on how best to handle a particular venture and after gathering all that information I go to sleep, doing nothing with it.
You are an 'ask'hole when you attend every seminar, workshop and conference in town and then do nothing with the information you gather. You are an 'ask'hole when every time you have one idea or another you are always seeking help to make it a reality, yet you have not nurtured and brought any to life for reasons best known to you. You are also an 'ask'hole when all you do is to wait for people to ask you if you require any help so you can get whatever it is you want done. My people will say,
''It is only the child that lifts his hand that the mother will carry'.
Quit waiting for people to ask if you need help. Like seriously? Get off your behind and start to do your stuff and see if they won't start queuing up to be a part of your dream. Being an 'ask'hole makes you lose respect and credibility. It basically makes you an 'all motion, no movement' kinda person.
Being an 'ask'hole projects you as a lazy person. I mean how much work is required to ask compared to getting things done. I found the quote below and it changed my life completely and made me jump off the 'ask'hole wagon. I found it on the Instagram page of my very good friend (and yes this is me famzing), @andreyadison

I decided to start DOING rather than just ASKING for the sake of it as a sign of respect to those who believed in me. Those who thought I was worth all that and more instead of being a beggar always going cap in hand for advice. Before now, I was always quick to register for one seminar or the other. Seek audience with those I thought could help my vision. Quick to seek out their friendship and acquaintances as the case may be. Don't get me wrong, these are not bad things to do but then again you want to sit back and ask yourself,
'What have I done with all the knowledge gained?' SELAH.
One of the skills that will stand you out in this new (well not so new anymore with 42 days gone already) year and for the rest of your life is; read very slowly- E-X-E-C-U-T-I-O-N!!!
Baby, no one ever made the headlines for just dreaming. The dream has to go from being a dream to a vision that others can see and run with and you don't get this done by just asking all the time.
It's just like someone keeps asking you,
'How do I apply for American visa? Schengen? UAE? Canada? China? Pluto? Heaven?'
Every single time they are asking. It gets to a point where you ask them,
'Which of these many countries have you eventually applied for their visas and you have actually been to since the last time you asked?'
'Nuff said! Stop being an 'ask'hole.
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